Stephen King Whats Old Is New Again

Enjoy reading and share 15 famous quotes about Everything Old Is New Again with everyone.

"By the time the sixties hitting their home bases, we the kids, were already built-in, and our parents found themselves stuck betwixt an entrenched belief that children needed to be raised in a traditional household, and a new sense that annihilation was possible, that the alternative lifestyle was out at that place for the asking. There they were in marriages they once idea were a necessity and with children they'd had virtually past accident in a world that was all of a sudden saying, 'No necessities! No accidents! Drop Everything!' A piffling also old to take full advantage of the cultural revolution, our parents just got all the fallout. Freedom hit them obliquely, and invidiously, rather than caput-on. Instead of waiting longer to get married, our parents got divorced; Instead of becoming feminists, our mothers were left to become displaced homemakers. A lot of unhappy situations were dissolved by people who were not quite young or gratis enough to start once again."

— Elizabeth Wurtzel

"And some twenty-four hours there will be nothing left of everything that has twisted my life and grieved it and filled me so oft with such anguish. Some twenty-four hour period, with the last burnout, peace will come and the motherly world will gather me back home. Information technology won't exist the terminate of things, but a way of beingness born again, a bathing and a slumbering where the one-time and the withered sink down, where the young and new brainstorm to breathe. So, with other thoughts, I will walk along streets similar these, and listen to streams, and eavesdrop what the sky says in the evening, over and over and over."

— Hermann Hesse

"I developed in thousands of changes, and it ever seemed to me that all of my former self disappeared with each new change, that it was lost in the mists of fourth dimension that had passed and were now insignificant. But and so, once again and once more, unexpectedly, I would discover traces of everything that had been, like uncovered artifacts, similar my ain fossil strata; although they were old and cruddy, they became love and beautiful. That rediscovered, recovered role of me, which was more than than a retention, was beautified and returned from unreachable distances by fourth dimension, which joined me with information technology. Thus, information technology had a twofold existence, as a part of my present personality, and equally a retentiveness. Equally the present, and as a beginning."

— Mesa Selimovic

"His confront. Fenton was never one to like a slow day. The look was enough to tell Barnaby that something big had just come down. "Hutch?" "Hmmm?" Fenton went on, breathlessly. "The Broadbent place was robbed. I got 1 of the sons on the phone at present." Hutch Barnaby didn't move a muscle. "Robbed of what?" "Everything." Fenton'south black optics glittered with relish. Barnaby sipped his coffee, sipped again, and so lowered his chair to the floor with a pocket-size clunk. Damn. As Barnaby and Fenton collection out the Old Santa Iron Trail, Fenton talked about the robbery. The collection, he'd heard, was worth half a billion. If the truth were anything close to that, Fenton said, information technology would be front-page-New-York-Times. He, Fenton, on the front end page of the Times. Can you imagine"

— Douglas Preston

"Newt reached out and grabbed Alby past the shoulders. "Alby, lay off a bit. You're hurtin' more than helpin', ya know?"
Alby let go of Thomas'due south shirt and stepped back, his breast heaving with breaths. "Ain't got time to be nice, Greenbean. Erstwhile life's over, new life'southward begun. Larn the rules quick, listen, don't talk. Yous become me?"
Thomas looked over at Newt, hoping for help. Everything inside him churned and hurt; the tears that had yet to come up burned his eyes.
Newt nodded. "Greenie, you become him, right?" He nodded over again.
Thomas fumed, wanted to dial somebody. But he only said, "Yeah."

— James Dashner

"Relationship is ugly, relating is cute. In human relationship both persons become bullheaded to each other. But think, how long has it been since y'all saw your wife eye to center? How long has it been since you looked at your husband? Maybe years. Who looks at 1'south own married woman? You lot have already taken information technology for granted that you know her; what more is there to look at? You are more interested in strangers than in the people you know-you know the whole topography of their bodies, you know how they respond, you know everything that has happened is going to happen over again and once more. Information technology is a repetitive circle. It is not so, it is not really and then. Nothing e'er repeats; everything is new every day. Just your eyes become old, your assumptions go old, your mirror gathers dust and you lot get incapable of reflecting the other. Hence"

— Osho

"In meditation, one time you lot are gone in, you lot are gone in. And then, even when you resurrect you are a totally different person. The old personality is nowhere to be found. Y'all accept to starting time your life again from abc. You have to learn everything with fresh optics, with a totally new centre. That'southward why meditation creates fright."

— Rajneesh

"The universal nature has no external space; merely the wondrous part of her fine art is that though she has confining herself, everything which is within her which appears to decay and to abound old and to be useless she changes into herself, and again makes other new things from these very same, so that she requires neither substance from without nor wants a place into which she may cast that which decays. She is content so with her ain infinite, and her own affair, and her ain fine art."

— Marcus Aurelius

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