Art by the Lost Boys of Sudan What Is the What Eggers Artwork

Thinking about verse....

Poetry has never been a big office of me just has been a big part of my mom as she loves writing poetry and has published many books written in dissimilar poetic styles. Although whenever I think of poetry I remember about rhyming, expressing and sharing your thoughts to the world through an entertaining and engaging style. Poetry tin can be useful in raising awareness well-nigh something or sharing your feelings with the world. When I was young I used to take the assistance of poetry to describe a scene or setting in a more interesting and catchy way. To me poesy also has some negative aspects to it, like it can sometime's be too long and can bore the reader out or information technology can consist of a lot of complicating a words that sometimes you won't be able to sympathise. A poet writes from his own perspective which readers might not sympathize, then information technology becomes really boring as he does not appoint or express himself clearly to you. There are many forms of poems such equally a dramatic monologue that can exist particularly used to assistance you. For example I could use a dramatic monologue to create a mood, to explain an incident or to express my feelings in an extremely expressive and dramatic way, not merely quietly.

Here is one of my favorite poems.

I think this poem motivates united states to raise our self esteem and be who we are and be genuine. This poem likewise talks about doing what you think is right and overcoming obstacles that dissever you from your existent cocky. From this poem I besides learnt that you should follow you dreams and never give up.  Though the most important affair I am going to take away from this poem is to never waste time. Even a tiny second can be very precious to your life!

Ascension like a Phoenix, just as the Lost Boys

Phoenix - a quality in the Lost Boys

I personally observe What is the What by Dave Eggers as a book that not simply brings u.s.a. the shocking stories of the Lost Boys but too teaches and inspires u.s.a. through the events narrated most survival and the challenges that the Lost Boys went through. The book comprises a balance of strong emotions and an equal depression that comes out through the words when you read them. This novel revolves around the Sundanese Civil State of war talking about ane legend, the Lost Boy of Sudan, Achak Deng who goes through many terrifying experiences and challenges from existence chased by Murahaleen to pond across the Nile in the midst of crocodiles. I find this incredible personality of Achak inspiring every bit he brings to display many positive human qualities and too equally he ends upwards in the US equally a Sudanese Refugee to get on to finish his graduation and practice a lot of charity for his own people in Southern Sudan.

The positive human being qualities each of those Lost Boys depicted have moved me so much into thinking that people should never give upwardly whatever they may have to face up in life. When I was immature, I always used to think that it is most impossible to accomplish whatever you want to practise or become. Merely afterward I accept read this volume I have learnt that information technology is possible to confront the impossible challenges which hold on to our minds but if actually put in a situation it is quite possible to win over all the challenges of life just equally Achak and his friends did. All the characters in this book shared something unique. They all were then resilient. Though their goal was merely to survive,  as it turned out, they managed to achieve U.s. and begin a new life, rising and shining like a phoenix. Each Lost Boy in the book was resilient enough to survive throughout their journey to Ethiopia though some of them died like Willaim K and Monyhial.

In brief, I personally would like to share this deep feeling that wherever you are and any you are doing, e'er have the faith and never always give up.

What is the What

In English class we have been reading a book named What is the What. This book is filled with many unlike facts revolving effectually what happened during the civil state of war in Southward Sudan and how it has affected the Lost Boys. The Lost Boys are Sudanese who came across many challenges in their lives. Their homes were burnt, their relatives were killed and their friends were tortured past Arabs. This book is an autobiography and novel of Valentino who survived those challenges during the South Sudan civil war.

The author, Dave Eggers frames Valentino's life in a really deplorable and emotional fashion so that he tin can heighten awareness near the Lost Boys and want they went through during the war. In that location are many facts in the story that caught my attention. Dave Eggars writes Valentino'south story past reflecting back to his by and and then coming back to the present. I find this a really effective style to write a novel or autobiography every bit it will give the reader a better understanding of the character. I find that Valentino is a really sensitive person considering when he came beyond something he would always react to information technology.

Overall, I call back What is the What is an eye opening volume about realities of the world told with intense and insightful detail.

How to write about India

Republic of india is an unhygienic and dingy identify. Only when you become to Republic of india you lot will detect out that it is kept very clean. Just when you arrive to Republic of india you will see people hosing downward houses, buildings and streets. These people are actually cleaning the buildings and streets. The most incredible fact about the hoses is that they have the same shape equally the private part of a man'south trunk. You lot know what I am talking about.

Many of you might have heard the artistic talent India holds. Really every Indian is a great artist! Just they don't utilize art the same way every bit everyone does in the globe. They spit red paint straight out from their mouths onto the wall, streets and vehicles. Sometimes there might be dissimilar shades of red but that is what makes India'south masterpiece of fine art so cute.

You might have noticed that your Indian friends are actually good at academics.Their parents keep forcing them to be tiptop graders in every subject. Since all Indians love their parents and families a lot, information technology is very rare for anyone to see an Indian e'er fail. And if you ever see ane fail, he will be immediately disowned by his family! That is why every Indian who however has a family is a top grader. And the losers have not families, only friends.

It is said that the Indians use their hands to do everything. They even eat with their hands to limited their feelings and some of them mouth their fingers and hands while eating to show due respect for this age old tradition. This is the dazzler of Bharat.

Overall, Bharat is place that y'all would definitely want to stay in. Yous have the brilliant hazard to go a actually talented creative person by hosing downward streams of water. But for that y'all will have to bring your own hose with you as they won't provide you with one. Since it is India!


I had many unmarried stories of different places or things that I thought were e'er true. I used to think that anybody would have the aforementioned unmarried stories as me but I was proven wrong, when I outset came beyond the topic "The danger of a single story"in English. It opened up a brighter agreement of what the world is. I e'er used to call up that everyone was the aforementioned only only when I learnt near the danger of a unmarried story, I  realized that everyone was different, different in what they do, different in their perspectives about things, dissimilar in the way they think.

Now I have a gained a better understanding of the world through English. I can now think through different perspectives. I tin now write a story through someone else'south perspective. I tin now encounter the bigger and wider picture of the world. Gaining this knowledge has allow me achieve the ability to wait into other people'southward minds. When I went to Chiang Mai I learnt that everyone there was completely different in the way I had thought they were. At present equally I write, in a split up 2d many different ideas or thoughts popular upwards in my heed almost Chiang Mai, at present I don't carry a single story of Chiang Mai with me, the single story that Chiang Mai is an undeveloped place. Overall, from whatsoever I have learned from English I think information technology has taken me a step farther in understanding what this world really is. English is an outstanding subject area that gives you lot a better and wider perspective.

Being Supportive

Last year when someone new joined our school, I always used to ignore them whenever they used to ask me a question because I always used to think that they were uncool or stupid. Whenever someone used to ask me to help them in something, like my father, my mom, my friends, my teachers, strangers or anyone in the world I always used to say "Sorry I am busy" and just walk away. Whenever I used to exercise that, I would start to become an awkward feeling. Slowly I started to realise how everyone feels whenever they try to speak to me and I just await away. That feeling I realised tin can break my friendship with them. There is a line to everything we practise and if we start to cross that line we will starting time to feel different, nosotros volition beginning to change. That is what was slowly starting to happen to me. I was starting to alter. I knew that at once as I started suffering this problem. It became an inevitable part of me. I wouldn't be able to get over information technology. My parents told me that if I go along on doing such things to other people its going to hurt their feelings, they are going to get a bad impression near me and offset to resent me. So I have decided from now on I am going to be supportive by listening to what other people say and help them out with their problems.

Mixed Relationships

Who's Irish is a story about how people live in one family unit with two nationalities together and how 1 changes through time. Since I don't come from a family unit with mixed nationalities, when I was really young, I used to think mixed people are abnormal since they do not live the same way as united states and they eat and live all mixed up, merely soon after I grew upwardly, became a teenager and accept friends of mixed nationalities and have as well read this story, I have learnt that a mixed nationalities person has the same emotional and physical feelings similar that of a 1 nationality person. Yet they come across as having many bug in their lives as sometimes ane nationality side does not corroborate of things they do and blames information technology on the other nationality, therefore this might cause many relationship bug between them.

This is conspicuously shown in the story as the Chinese grandmother says that "I always thought Irish gaelic people are like Chinese people, work so hard on the railroad, but now I know why the Chinese beat the Irish." Or fifty-fifty when she says about her Irish gaelic son-in-law
"Plain boiled food, plain boiled thinking. Even his proper name is obviously boiled: John". This shows that she is being biased towards Red china as she is trying to make Mainland china look better than Republic of ireland through these sentences based on her perceptions only. In that way, she is narrow minded in the beginning of the story.

In add-on, afterward in the story she keeps on talking nearly how Sophie keeps on removing her clothes and not being a adept Chinese girl, this shows she is beingness racist towards the Irish gaelic equally she thinks that Chinese girls are more well-mannered and Irish gaelic are wild.

Her hatred towards the Irish starts to grow and abound as the story moves on " This is not so piece of cake, now that I am sixty-viii, Chinese historic period about seventy. Still, I attempt. In China, daughter take care of mother. Here is other style around. Mother assistance daughter, mother enquire, Annihilation else I tin do? Otherwise daughter complain mother is non supportive. I tell daughter, We practice not take this word in Chinese, supportive ". This correct away tells united states that she thinks that the daughters should take care of their mothers equally their mothers are too onetime enough to take care of themselves considering this is how it is in Prc.

Towards the finish of the story, there is a sudden modify in this grandmother'due south thinking when she is invited by Bess, John's mother to live in her house and whenever Bess'southward other sons ask when she would go away, this is the reply they got- "She's a permanent resident, say Bess. She isn't going anywhere." This shows how sympathetic and understanding Bess is towards her and that is when Natalie's mother realises that Irish people are as skilful as everyone.

Therefore the author has created the character of Bess to show how human relationship issues can at times get improve fifty-fifty in mixed nationalities, I think Bess was a actually kind person and very open hearted whereas the Natalie's female parent was always mean and biased in the beginning but presently after she became really skilful friends with Bess she turned into a nice and positive person.


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